Measuring Search ROI: For IT

Better search can impact your bottom line.

More than 40% of your users are likely using search on your site, according to data from the Nielsen Group and MarketingSherpa. Good search doesn’t just drive revenue: it saves money. Here’s how.


The majority of site search solutions require developer support. Even with the built-in Drupal or other CMS solutions, you’ve undoubtedly faced challenges in a search implementation that supposedly 'just works'.

If you’re paying software developers to develop, maintain and refine your search, you’re likely paying around $115,000 per year for a junior software engineer (per

Larger sites may require a dedicated search expert for years after launch to refine search for marketing and product shifts. Even for small sites, any update to the search algorithm - boosting a landing page, adding a redirect, or fixing an autocorrect - takes dev time that you could spend more productively.

This time spent could equate to tens of thousands per year. Which is why it is important that these numbers are minimized by selecting the right search service in the first place; one that supports transparent controls and empowers even non-technical users to make change.


Development: ~3 months
Maintenance: 40 hours/month
Refining: 30 hours/month

Department support

Your IT department wants to get away from support tickets. You want to plan, implement and maintain the systems that make an impact.

Funnelback site search can help you foster independence within other departments. With user-friendly tools like the Funnelback Marketing Dashboard, your team can implement, train and step away as other areas take on the bulk of implementing and refining their work. Self-service is built into the product.


Over 25 hours/month

Customer support

External-facing customer support - whether for recruiting, answering questions or sales/donations - is expensive. According to the Customer Contact Council, customers who spend unnecessary effort in gaining support are 61% less likely to repeat a purchase. And studies indicate that customer service agents fail to answer questions 50% of the time.

If customers are looking for answers on your site already, helping them find the answer through your search without calling customer support can mean substantial savings to your business.


Phone support calls reduced at least 5%
Support emails reduced at least 5%

Revenue & other KPIs

If your search dashboard or interface includes KPIs focused on revenue, site search solutions can make an immense difference.

For many websites (and this number varies wildly), conversion rates average 2% to 4% (per Statista). 9% of those conversions are attributable to site search on average.

Funnelback’s search customers report increases in online conversions from anywhere between 5% and 30%, sometimes within weeks of implementing our search capabilities on their site.


Growth of search-attributable conversions from 9% to 15% on average


The impact of an investment like effective site search is felt in cost savings, revenue growth, and customer satisfaction. Site search is an oft-overlooked piece of technology that can have a lasting impact almost immediately. To learn more about how site search can make an impact on your bottom line, get in touch now.

Learn more

Site Search: The hidden potential in digital investment

Measuring Search ROI for Higher Ed

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