Our business continuity plan

We are prepared.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has prompted us to reflect on our readiness should things get worse and impact our staff, customers or partners. We have prepared our 24/7 support teams, purchased emergency hardware assets at our data centers and provided guidance and support to our global team. We have also updated our Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

We are committed to the success of our staff, clients and partners. To that end, we have updated our Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to underline that ongoing commitment and to reassure our community during this outbreak.

In response to COVID-19, we have implemented the following measures:

  • Canceled all international business travel;
  • Implemented monitoring of personal and domestic travel of our staff and associates to determine if any action (including self-isolation) is required;
  • Canceled meetups and large gatherings;
  • Upgraded our capability for remote work, ensuring that our whole organization is able to work effectively from their home or other safe space outside our offices;
  • Arranged extra video conferencing solutions to ensure ongoing communication with one another, our customers and our partners;
  • Pre-positioned extra hardware assets at each of our Funnelback data centers around the world to avoid supply chain issues.

In addition, we continue to have:

  • Funnelback offices and 24/7 support teams around the world in regular communication to provide backup support if needed;
  • Funnelback data centers geographically dispersed, highly redundant and highly available, prepared for any supply, power, network or logistical issues.

As part of our COVID-19 response, our leadership team is monitoring the advice of local authorities in each region to adapt our response and care for our teams.

Our team cares for each other, and we are sharing best practices on staying healthy and reinforcing hygiene and self-isolation practices. When onsite with our customers or partners, Funnelback staff will take special precautions and will adhere to any additional practices and standards you have in place.

If you have any additional concerns, reach out to us. Our team is ready to be of service.

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